Carpet Care
Cleaning Hints (steps)
- Scoop up solids with a knife or spoon.
- Blot up liquids with white paper towel.
- Determine method of stain removal from the chart.
- Before treating stain, test treatment on an inconspicuous part of the carpet for possible colour change.
- With a blotting or dabbing motion, work inward from the edge of the stain to prevent it spreading.
- Do not rub pile during the stain removal rinsing stages.
- When removing the stains, ensure carpet is dry before proceeding to the next step in order of treatment.
- Rinse with clear, tepid water and a clean cloth or sponge.
- Once the stain has been removed, blot up moisture by applying pressure with white paper towels or tissues.
- Do not walk on the carpet untill dry.
WOOL Cleansing Agents / Treatments
- Solution of 1 teaspoon approved wool detergent (eg. Softly) with 1 teaspoon of white vinegar and 1 litre of warm water.
- Dry-cleanng fluid, lighter fuel of mineral turpentine.
- Mineral turpentine effectivness is increased if mixed with an equal quantity of dry-cleaning fluid.
- Methylated spirits.
- Hydrogen Peroxide (20 vol). Dilute 10 to 1 with cold water.
- Dye Stripper. Dilute 50 to 1 with cold water.
- Chewing gum remover (freezing agent).
- Nail polish remover.
- Clean, warm (not hot) water.
- Cold water.
- Weak solution of white vinegar or lemon juice with cold water.
- Absorbent powder (eg. salt or talc). Sprinkle on spillage, leave overnight and vaccuum the next day.
NYLON Cleansing Agents / Treatments
- Water.
- Detergent Solution.
- Detergent Solution & Ammonia (not cloudy) equal parts of each.
- Dry Cleaning solvent.
- Dry cleaning solvent.
- Paint / oil / grease remover.
- Undiluted white vinegar.
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